Introduction: Sodium nitrate toxicity has been a subject of extensive studies because of its world widespread natural distribution. The major source of nitrate in the human body is through intake of food and water. Aim of the Work: This work was performed to study the enhanced role of vitamins C and E on the toxic effects of sodium nitrates on the liver and testis of adult albino rats. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on 80 adult male albino rats. The rats were divided into 4 groups ; Group IA, IB and IC (control groups). Group II (vitamin C group): each rat was gavaged with 750 mg/kg vitamin once daily. Group III (vitamin E group): Each rat was gavaged with 400 mg/kg vitamin E once daily. Group IV (sodium nitrate group): Each rat was gavaged with 30 mg/kg NaNO3 once daily. Group V (sodium nitrate and vitamin C): Each rat was gavaged with NaNO3 and vitamin C in the previous doses. Group VI (sodium nitrate and vitamin E): Each rat was gavaged with NaNO3 and vitamin E in the previous doses. After 12 weeks, the rats of all groups were subjected to drawing blood samples for liver enzymes AST and ALT estimation then rats were sacrificed & specimens from the liver and testes were taken for determination of sperm count and histopathological study . Results: there was a significant increase in AST and ALT mean values and a significant decrease in the mean values of the sperm cell count in nitrate treated group as compared to their corresponding values in control group. Upon supplementation with vitamin C or vitamin E to nitrates treated rats there was a significant decrease in the mean values of ALT and AST and significant increase in the mean values of the sperm cell count when compared with nitrates treated group. Microscopic examination of sodium nitrate treated groups of liver revealed vaculated hepatocytes, focal necrosis, aggregates of inflammatory cells, dilated congested central vein, enlarged portal tract with dilated congested blood vessels and bile duct proliferation, Areas of haemorage and disturbed hepatic lobular architecture. While, Microscopic examination of the testes specimens of the rats of this group revealed atrophic germinal epithelium, damage of seminiferous tubules, separation and vacuolation in the cells and areas of haemorrage between seminiferous tubules. Some seminiferous tubules showed excess mitotic figures, Separation of basement membrane and cellular infiltration. Co-administration of sodium nitrate with either vitamin C or E showed a considerable degree of preservation of the hepatic and testicular architectures Conclusion: sodium nitrate toxicity induced liver and testicular damage in adult male albino rats, and concomitant administration of either vitamin C or E was efficient in protecting liver and testicular tissues. Recommendation: it is recommended to increase public awareness regarding the health impact of nitrate and the protective role of vitamins C or E on their toxicities
Hassan, M., Hegazy, N., Elkhishin, I., & El Gohary, Y. (2013). THE ENHANCED ROLE OF VITAMINS C AND E ON THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF SODIUM NITRATES ON THE LIVER AND TESTIS OF ADULT ALBINO RATS. Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal, 1(2), 1-25. doi: 10.21608/esctj.2013.62355
Mohammed Hassan; Nagah Hegazy; Iman Elkhishin; Yousria El Gohary. "THE ENHANCED ROLE OF VITAMINS C AND E ON THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF SODIUM NITRATES ON THE LIVER AND TESTIS OF ADULT ALBINO RATS", Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal, 1, 2, 2013, 1-25. doi: 10.21608/esctj.2013.62355
Hassan, M., Hegazy, N., Elkhishin, I., El Gohary, Y. (2013). 'THE ENHANCED ROLE OF VITAMINS C AND E ON THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF SODIUM NITRATES ON THE LIVER AND TESTIS OF ADULT ALBINO RATS', Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal, 1(2), pp. 1-25. doi: 10.21608/esctj.2013.62355
Hassan, M., Hegazy, N., Elkhishin, I., El Gohary, Y. THE ENHANCED ROLE OF VITAMINS C AND E ON THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF SODIUM NITRATES ON THE LIVER AND TESTIS OF ADULT ALBINO RATS. Egyptian Society of Clinical Toxicology Journal, 2013; 1(2): 1-25. doi: 10.21608/esctj.2013.62355